014 597 0972 | 087 170 0751 admin@trpsa.co.za
Programme & Project Management

PROPLAN TECHNOLOGIES CC provides a comprehensive and unique range of professional consulting services across the entire spectrum of Programme & Project Management.

Strategic Planning
Information Service
Supporting Services and Systems
Programme Management
Programme Management is the management of several projects at once on a strategic level, Programme Management is more complex than Project Management, this being the reason why we believe in investing in our people. ProPlan Technologies is a firm believer of knowledge is power and education is key. ProPlan’s strength with regards to Programme Management is based on the maintenance of a well established Programme Office, which forms the support base of all projects.


Project Management
Effective project management forms a fundamental aspect of ensuring results-orientated services and products of the entire PROPLAN TECHNOLOGIES CC which is necessary to complete any project successfully within given time and cost constraints. Due to its integrated, multi-disciplinary approach to planning and development, PROPLAN TECHNOLOGIES CC initiates and manages 80 % of all its projects ensuring the proper planning, monitoring and control of all relevant resources. These include financial contracting, gearing, programming and co-ordination of projects.

Field of expertise:

  • Integration
  • Scope
  • Time
  • Cost
  • Quality
  • Human Resources
  • Communication
  • Risk
  • Procurement

MANAGEMENT PROCESS / methodology we believe in:


Information Services
PROPLAN TECHNOLOGIES CC adheres to a transparent and non-prescriptive approach to the implementation
of projects, which is why its experienced team of facilitatorsspecialize in the implementation of projects and conflict mediation, which does not only evolve in the field of Town Planning, but also in respect of infrastructural and other community matters.

Fields of expertise:

  • Community empowerment
  • Mediation and arbitration
  • Community training and advice
  • Organizing communities into formal structures
  • Facilitate community participation to its full and mobilising communities
Supporting Services and Systems
Our highly qualified staff is supported by the intensivecutilization of the latest computer technology that ensures effective production, management and coordination of all projects. The use of highly advanced
computer communication links between the various offices enables the ProPlan Technologies CC offices
to supply a full range of services anywhere and at any time.

These technologically advanced systems are supported by some of the best and well-known computer software programmes.

Fields of expertise:

  • Computer Aided Drafting (Auto CAD)
  • Geographical Information Systems (Arc VIEW)
  • Financial expertise regarding project and budget control
  • Cash flow management
  • External relations and client services
  • Administrative and secretarial support
Town & Regional Planning Services

PROPLAN TECHNOLOGIES CC provides a comprehensive and unique range of professional consulting services across the entire spectrum of Programme & Project Management.

Project Management
Information Services
Project Management
Urban Development Control
Property Surveying
Immovable Asset Management
Supporting Services & Systems
Strategic Planning
This highly specialized and intricate planning process combines strategic thinking with ever changing trends in land use, management and administration, as well as programming and budgeting. The main objective is to assist all levels of government in the transformation process and to install a culture of delivery through the preparation of realistic and integrated strategic development plans aimed at re-directing financial and human resources to achieve accountability and transparency towards needs and priorities of communities.

Fields of expertise:


PROPLAN TECHNOLOGIES CC offers in-depth knowledge and experience in township development that includes urban designs, township establishment, upgrading and facilitating housing development.

3.1 Township establishments

Expertise offered in this field includes the identification of development opportunities and processing of township establishment applications in terms of current legislation. Our involvement in the establishment of more than 5000 erven, has been the essence of our clients’ trust in our experience and excellent service.

Fields of expertise:


3.2 Facilitating housing development

This division is actively involved in securing national housing subsidies and development of quality housing options.

Fields of expertise:

  • Management of housing projects (Rural & Project Linked)
  • Management of All Sub Consultants & Contractors
  • Capacitating programmes
  • Community liaison
  • Screening of beneficiaries
  • Project Feasibilities
Information Service
The Information Services Division of PROPLAN TECHNOLOGIES CC allows for accurate and comprehensive analytical processes and thematic mapping which are indispensable to most fields relating to urban and rural development.


The heart of this division is a computer based Geographic Information System (GIS) which facilitates complex systems and highly intricate planning involving topical trends in land use, sociodemographic profiles, economic and environmental factors, as well as the funding and administration of projects.

PROPLAN TECHNOLOGIES CC has already achieved significant success in this newly formed division through the implementation of various Municipal Development Information Systems in the economic nodes of South Africa.

Our main objective with this existing field of specialization is to actively utilize changing technologies to the social and economic benefit of all communities and to continue to serve our clients in the most cost effective and efficient way.

We believe that the active use of information technology will be a driving force behind the realization of holistic and integrated development and the African Renaissance.

Fields of expertise:



Project Management
Effective project management forms a fundamental aspect of ensuring results-orientated services and products of the entire PROPLAN TECHNOLOGIES CC which is necessary to complete any project successfully within given time and cost constraints.

Due to its integrated, multi-disciplinary approach to planning and development, PROPLAN TECHNOLOGIES CC initiates and manages 80 % of all its projects ensuring the proper planning, monitoring and control of all relevant resources. These include financial contracting, gearing, programming and co-ordination of projects.

Fields of expertise:


PROPLAN TECHNOLOGIES CC adheres to a transparent and non-prescriptive approach to the implementation of projects, which is why its experienced team of facilitators specialize in the implementation of projects and conflict mediation, which does not only evolve in the field of Town Planning, but also in respect of infrastructural and other community matters.

Fields of expertise:

  • Community empowerment
  • Mediation and arbitration
  • Community training and advice
  • Organizing communities into formal structures
  • Facilitate community participation to its full and mobilising communities
Urban Development Control
The changing demands in metropolitan and urban areas necessitate innovative solutions to pressing problems. Our Urban Development Division has adopted a philosophy of flexibility and integration to ensure the establishment of a dynamic urban fabric and encourage original concepts in terms of urban development control.

Fields of expertise:


Property Surveying
Our company further more specialise in surveying of Departmental Facilities up to the standard of As- Built drawings.

Fields of expertise:

  • Conditional Assessment Surveying
  • Valuation Surveying
  • Land Surveying
  • Land Audit
Immovable Asset Management
As service provider to several government department & local municipalities our company established a specialized division for immovable asset management whereby our company assist Provincial Departments with the implementation of the Government Immovable Asset Management Act (GIAMA, Act 19 of 2007).

Fields of expertise:

  • Asset Register Compilation & Verification
  • Asset Register Maintenance
  • Property Valuation
  • Conditional Assessment Reporting
  • Life Cycle Planning
  • Disposal Strategies
  • User Asset Management Planning • Alienation
Supporting Services & Systems
Our highly qualified staff is supported by the intensive utilization of the latest computer technology that ensures effective production, management and co-ordination of all projects. The use of highly advanced computer communication links between the various offices enables the ProPlan Technologies CC Group to supply a full range of services anywhere and at any time. These technologically advanced systems are supported by some of the best and well-known computer software programmes.

Fields of expertise:

  • Computer Aided Drafting (CAD)
  • Financial expertise regarding project and budget control
  • Cash flow management
  • External relations and client services
  • Administrative and secretarial support
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